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5 Things to Know When Shopping for Sustainable Wood Flooring

5 things to know when shopping for sustainable wood flooringMany homeowners underestimate the transformative power of investing in high-quality wood flooring. While some opt for cheaper alternatives, they overlook the long-term benefits and aesthetic enhancement that a new wooden floor can bring to their homes. Fortunately, an increasing number of homeowners are recognising the value of investing in real wood flooring that not only offers a great return on investment but also aligns with their commitment to sustainability. As environmental awareness grows, so does the demand for sustainable wood flooring, making it a leading choice in the industry today.

Now, the concept that engineered wood flooring is the most sustainable flooring option available on the market worldwide is getting more and more popular. First of all, engineered wood flooring uses significantly less of the tree per plank compared to solid wood flooring where every floorboard is made out fully from a piece of timber. On the other hand, besides the lamella top layer, engineered wood’s core could be manufactured from a number of wood and lumber products such as plywood, wood fibres, even wood waste materials or reclaimed wood materials and fibres. Unlike vinyl or bamboo flooring, engineered wood flooring does not require the usage of toxic and hazardous products and adhesives during the manufacturing process, which pretty much means that engineered wood flooring ensures perfect air quality for your home. However, what is the way to ensure that engineered wood flooring is truly a sustainable product and what does sustainable mean in the context of flooring? Let’s find out in this article.

The Difference Between Green and Sustainable

In today's market, "green" has become a catch-all term used to market various products, including wood flooring. It typically denotes products made from renewable resources, such as wood. However, this label often only considers the origin of the product, overlooking the broader aspects of production and disposal.

On the other hand, sustainable wood flooring sets a higher standard. It encompasses environmental, economic, social, and public health considerations throughout its entire life cycle. Sustainability extends beyond the product's origin to include all aspects of harvesting, production, manufacturing, packaging, use, and disposal. Each stage of a sustainable wood floor's life cycle must meet sustainability criteria.

A sustainable life cycle entails selective tree harvesting, prioritising old trees that would naturally perish on a rotational basis while allowing younger trees to mature and regenerate forests. During manufacturing, emphasis is placed on utilising raw materials efficiently, with wood waste transformed into fiberboards or particleboards. Ideally, production processes utilise renewable energy sources, such as biomass fuel, to minimise environmental impact.

Implementing these practices ensures that engineered wood flooring is genuinely sustainable, contributing to a healthier planet and promoting responsible consumption.

Purchase from a Reputable Supplier

When aiming to purchase truly sustainable engineered wood flooring, it's essential to source from a reputable supplier you can trust. While a quick online search will yield numerous wood flooring suppliers, not all products they offer may be genuinely sustainable. Beware of a common practice known as "greenwashing with logos."

This practice allows suppliers to use sustainability certification logos on all products, even if only one item in their inventory meets the criteria. This can be misleading and unethical. To ensure the sustainability of your purchase, it's crucial to verify the credentials of both the supplier and the specific product.

If you're uncertain about a product's sustainability status, don't hesitate to reach out to the retailer directly. Reputable suppliers are obligated to provide accurate and transparent information about their products. By asking questions and seeking clarification, you can make an informed decision and support truly sustainable practices in the wood flooring industry.

Sustainability and Other Valuable Certifications

Purchasing sustainable wood flooring can be an overwhelming and challenging task, especially considering the multitude of environmental labels and certifications available worldwide. With over six hundred labels indicating various environmentally friendly attributes, navigating this landscape can feel overwhelming.

While some labels signify sustainability, others may fall short in other key areas of eco-friendliness. Therefore, when investing in sustainable wood flooring, it's crucial to ensure that the retailer or manufacturer can provide evidence of holding reputable certifications.

Look for certifications that are widely recognised and esteemed within the industry. These certifications serve as indicators of a product's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By prioritising products with prestigious certifications, you can make a more informed and environmentally conscious purchasing decision.

Read the Instructions Before You Buy

Before making a final decision to purchase sustainable wood flooring, it's crucial to thoroughly review the manufacturer's instructions for installation, care, and maintenance. These instructions provide valuable insights into the product's sustainability and can significantly influence your purchasing decision.

Every set of instructions for maintenance and care should be tailored to the unique characteristics of each floor, as no two wooden floors are alike. By carefully reviewing these instructions, you gain a deeper understanding of the product's requirements and longevity.

Investing in a sustainable floor is not just about finding the perfect option; it's also about ensuring its longevity. Proper care and installation are essential for maximising the lifespan of your floor. By adhering to the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, you can guarantee that your sustainable wooden floor is installed correctly, cared for properly, and maintained in optimal condition for many years to come.

Even Beyond Sustainability

Investing in sustainable wood flooring is undoubtedly a commendable choice, offering both environmental benefits and long-term enjoyment. However, sustainability shouldn't end there. It's essential to extend your commitment to sustainability by choosing the best products to finish and maintain your floor.

Using chemically-based cleaners, waxes, and acidic household products such as vinegar can pose serious risks to the finish of your floor and introduce unwanted VOCs (volatile organic compounds) into your home. These harmful substances not only jeopardise the integrity of your sustainable wood flooring but also undermine the very purpose of your eco-friendly investment.

To fully embrace sustainability, opt for environmentally friendly cleaning and maintenance products that are specifically formulated to protect and preserve your wooden floor without compromising indoor air quality or environmental health. By choosing sustainable alternatives, you can ensure the longevity and integrity of your floor while minimising your environmental footprint.

FlooringFirst! Services
158 Coles Green Road
London, NW2 7HW
T: 020 88309782